Basic info on IT

Basic info on IT (soporte/computo) services

This information is specially useful for newcomers.

Do you have an IT/computation problem? The recommended way of asking for help is through opening a ticket by either of two ways:
1) sending an email to soporte[at] and monitoring its solution through your email.
2) using the RT ticket web tool at:

If you have several requests at a time, the second option is much better. It is easy to use, believe me! I encourage you to try it.

For urgent matters, you are welcome to call by phone or just drop by the IT office in the basement level or with me in office 116. The phones are here:

However, we encourage you to ponder on what you may consider as "urgent". It is better if requests that are opened in this latter way eventually get an associated ticket too, which will permit us to have a log of the problem and solution.

And we also encourage you to explore the Computo webpage, which has a lot of useful information although admittedly is not complete.

Finally, it may be the case that you want to ask us something or make a comment to us that *** is not *** a problem that needs a solution. For this, we prefer if you send an email to the personal_computo[at] email list.

A current list of email lists is here: