The Institute of Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics (IRyA) at UNAM Campus Morelia was host to an NRAO Community Days event on September 28 and 29, 2023, organized by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and the North American ALMA Science Center (NAASC). This community event followed the first Me xican meeting in route to the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA). 

About 40 astronomers participated in these Community Days, designed particularly for those who do not regularly utilize radio data in their research. The workshop provided an overview of NRAO instruments including the VLA, ALMA, and new capabilities, as well as discussions on data reduction, pipelines, polarimetry and self-calibration. It also included hands-on tutorials for ALMA and VLA data reduction and imaging.

Amy Kimball, Sarah Wood, Patrick Sheehan, and Brian Svoboda from NRAO led the tutorials and discussions. Participants came from IRyA and other Mexican astronomy research institutions, including INAOE, IA UNAM, and ICN UNAM.


About the NRAO

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) of the United States supports the NRAO Community Days events and leads the ngVLA project. The NRAO is an entity of the National Science Foundation (NSF) of the United States, operated under a cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. To learn more, visit the ngVLA website:


About IRyA, UNAM

The Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica (IRyA), or Institute for Radioastronomy and Astrophysics is an academic unit at UNAM, Campus Morelia, Mexico. We perform high-level and high-impact research in the areas of interstellar medium, star formation, evolved stars, high energy astrophysics, Galactic dynamics and structure, extragalactic astronomy and cosmology. We contribute to the education of high-level human resources through a postgraduate program, and we have close contact with society through diverse outreach programs.

If you are interested in our Institute, visit the English version of our webpage,


Media contact:
Dr. René A. Ortega Minakata
Outreach and Science Communication
IRyA UNAM Campus Morelia
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